Cotch Studios

Studio Equipment

We've spent many years making music and everytime we got together, we started to question, why do all the affordable studios make you feel like you are trapped in somebodys basement.

The need for a soundproofed room shouldn't mean you sit in a dark box, so we vowed to bring you private, functional spaces that not only sound great, but feel great from aesthetics to comfort.

Allowing you to focus purely on keeping the creative juices flowing.

The studios are kitted out with all the professional equipment needed to take your ideas and bring them into reality. It's time to start taking your music seriously.

Audio Technica m40x

- Production Rooms

Adam A7X

- Production Rooms

Scarlett 18i8

- Production Rooms

Sontronics STC-2 Condensor

- Production Rooms

Novation Launchkey 49 Mk3

- Production Rooms

Rode Podcaster Pro

- Podcast Room

4x Sontronics Podcast Pro

- Podcast Room